How to Host Responsive Website Free on Dropbox

Creating a website is easy, its a piece of cake job but hosting the website is not because it costs money, also most of the people really do not want to host their website but they want to publish it for the clients to experience the website in real time, so web developers mainly freelancers they go for free web hosting, but most of the free hosting services are not easy and it display their ads. 


Not every cloud sharing servicing are not giving a public link to access our files, most of the sites need CAPTCHA, Ad redirects, so apart from this Dropbox gives more easy and convenient ways to store and sync our data. 

open Public folder 
dropbox public folder

Drag and drop your website folder here 
dropbox drag and drop

Now Right click on your homepage file (Index.html) and select Copy public link 
dropbox public url

Now paste the link in your web browser 
Your website now live enjoy. 
bootstrap website

In this way you can upload any static websites including bootstrap, JavaScript, CSS and other third party scripts, and this method is not supported by server side scripting languages like PHP, ASP .NET etc.


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